Thursday, April 2, 2009

Working as one campaign

working as 1 is a campaign to bring Yokogawa into one common goal -- prepare YCA to perform with the excellence required to achieve the industry leadership position. This program allows us to better communicate with and educate employees to achieve success and communicate and work as 1 with customers.

The purpose of working as 1:

  • Customer experience- interview, diagnose and understand customer needs and issues.

  • Employee experience- interview, diagnose and understand employee needs and issues.

  • Profitability- Identify process efficiencies and improvements

    You can work as 1 by:

  • Making a suggestion: Do you have any ideas/suggestions to improve customer and employee experience or increase profitability? Share them with the leadership team by filling out a form and dropping it into the suggestion box; sending an email to; or going to the forum on the working as 1 intranet site. All suggestions are welcome as long as they include a solution!

    Suggestion boxes and forms are located in the employee break room/cafeteria at each location.

  • Recognizing your employee/colleague: The working as 1 Award recognizes those employees that who had gone the extra mile to achieve at least one of the working as 1 goals -- improved customer experience, improved employee experience or increased profitability). Check out the rules and regulations of the award and how to nominate a recipient through the link below.

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