Thursday, August 20, 2009

New operation of HIST

Yokogawa is the first IA supplier to successfully pass the host profile registration test. Both CENTUM VP with PRM and STARDOM with PRM received approvals in October 2008. Training for new HIST has already been conducted for the Interoperability Test Lab (IOTL) members.

Both systems will be registered by Fieldbus Foundation™ soon. Yokogawa started the new operation of host interoperability support test (HIST) in March 2009. This will further improve our interoperability with third party field devices.

"Host profile registration” is a new registration process for FOUNDATION fieldbus-compliant host systems. Fieldbus Foundation started development of the registration process for host systems in 2007 based on end users requirements to improve interoperability.

Before – Host systems demonstrate test procedures related to FOUNDATION Fieldbus features with the sample third party field devices in the presence of Fieldbus Foundation examiner.
– The third party devices are tested by the HIST complied host systems
– Host systems are NOT registered
– Host supplier is free to choose the features to be tested
– As a result, set of supported features is NOT consistent among the host systems

After (with host profile registration)
– Host systems are tested according to FF-525 “host profile registration process”
– Host systems are registered by Fieldbus Foundation
– Consistent set of features (profile) will be supported on host systems of multiple host suppliers.

Yokogawa is the first host supplier which completed host registration process
– CENTUM VP and STARDOM successfully passed the test in October 2008 prior to other host suppliers.
– Compliance of both integrated host systems are confirmed in the presence of Fieldbus Foundation examiner.
– Integrated host is one of classes in the host profile which has comprehensive features for engineering, operation, maintenance, and communication.

Waiting for Official Certification

Official certification has not been issued to date. Instead, Fieldbus Foundation has issued Yokogawa a letter to prove the completion of the test.

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