Thursday, August 20, 2009

Exaquantum sales campaign

As agreed at the YEI board members June 2009 meeting, Yokogawa will conduct a special Exaquantum sales campaign in order to increase FY09 IA business revenues by increasing our PIMS global sales opportunities. We have been selling Exaquantum by stressing Low TCO as well as our seamless connection with the CENTUM. However, even though we have a huge potential global market, our total Exaquantum sales volume is only about five percent of the total installed CENTUM volume. The purpose of this sales campaign is to create more opportunities for Toh-Toh sales. Exaquantum sales campaign outline for FY09:
  • Target market: All countries outside Japan
  • Terms: We will negotiate an appropriate sales target for all Regions. The new campaign discount rate will be applied from the date when the target is agreed to until the end of March 2010. Orders received prior to the start date will not be eligible for the campaign discount rate.
  • Campaign products: · Exaquantum (NTPP) · Exaquantum/Batch (NTPB) · Exaopc (including Batch and Exaopc-RD) that are sold via non-Japanese affiliates. · The campaign discount rate will not apply to AMC (Annual Maintenance Contracts) which will be remain at the current rate
  • With regards to the annual regional sales target: · The proposed sales target will be sent by letter to each regional affiliate HQ separately. This target is based on past sales records, installed CENTUM quantity and the 2009 ‘Prospective PIMS Job List’ that was recently obtained from each regional affiliate HQ. · The final sales target will be agreed upon following discussions between YHQ and each regional affiliate HQ.
  • Once the sales target is agreed to, YHQ will start accepting tokuchu requests for the special transfer rate (0.7*0.85=0.595).
  • When an affiliate requires an additional discount than provided by this campaign price, SSTP (Strategic Special Transfer Price) shall be applied by the regional affiliate HQ.
  • All sales amounts (FY09 orders that each affiliate has already received, campaign-applied sales and SSTP-applied sales) will contribute towards each affiliate sales target by net sales amounts excluding AMC sales.
  • Projects must be registered on each regions ‘job opportunity list’ in advance to allow for a tokuchu to be applied when it is awarded. Any project not registered on the job opportunity list will not be included in this campaign.
  • If the regional affiliate HQ achieves the agreed sales target, the campaign price transfer rate for Exaquantum and Exaopc will be applied to the next fiscal year provided that the regional affiliate HQ agrees to a new sales target. If the sales target is not achieved, the normal standard transfer rate will be re-instated.
  • Sales support action plan by YHQ & YMX Action Plan · YHQ will send each regional affiliate HQ their suggested FY09 sales target via letter by the first week of July 2009. Following discussions with each regional affiliate HQ, the sales target will be agreed upon. · Based on the potential market volume or a special affiliate request, YMX will help provide sales training. YMX will also provide sales tools and training materials that include updated demonstration software (Demo A) incorporating Exaquantum R2.50 (when it is available).
  • YMX will also: · Enhance the educational sales and services programs on the PESN website · Enhance e-Learning items & contents · Provide application based sales guides
  • The three items above will be available by the end of August · Upon the release of Exaquantum R2.50 (scheduled for September 2009), YMX will distribute presentation material, demonstration software (Demo A) and provide training. · Upon the release of Exaquantum/Batch R2.50 (scheduled for December 2009), YMX will distribute presentation material, demonstration software (Demo A) and provide training. Special sales campaign procedures
    • To register a project for the sales campaign, each regional affiliate HQ must claim “PIM/OPC” in the SBP cell of its job opportunity list in advance of winning the order.
    • Upon winning the order, the Sales department must issue a tokuchu that contains the description “Application of the Exaquantum {or, /Batch} Sales Campaign Price” and, if appropriate, with the corresponding Exaopc interface package. The project reference number in the job opportunity list must also be included.
    Note: Exaopc in isolation is not included as part of this campaign. The campaign discount for Exaopc is only available if sold with one of the following packages: · Exaquantum + Exaopc · Exaquantum/Batch + Exaopc · Exaquantum/Batch + Exaopc/Batch
  • Exaopc includes Exaopc-RD

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